Get involved!

Whānau involvement

Whānau are valued members of our school community and a vital element of the partnership between home and school. Your ideas, experiences and skills can enrich the lives and learning of others and can also help improve the functioning of the school. Whānau can help out and get involved in the school in a number of ways. Talk to your child’s teacher, the office staff or the Principal if you would like to become involved. Some suggestions for how you can become involved are given below.

You can help us by:

  • Becoming a parent tutor for reading and writing
  • Assisting teachers in the classroom
  • Helping with our library books and reading to the children
  • Coaching, managing or otherwise supporting our sports teams
  • Coming on school visits (EOTC activities)
  • Being a parent helper at school camp
  • Preparing resources for the school
  • Contributing your specific expertise (for example, we are fortunate to have access to accountancy skills and expertise in occupational health and safety issues within our parent community)
  • Helping with Road Patrol one morning or afternoon per week
  • Standing for the Board of Trustees
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