Voluntary Donations

Schools are not able to charge compulsory fees for core curriculum related activities or to supplement the funding provided by the government. The board do request that families make a voluntary contribution towards the cost of the quality education provided at Tawatawa - Ridgway. Parents who make such voluntary donations are able to claim tax rebates from the IRD.

General Voluntary Donation

This donation allows us to provide the extras to offer a full and varied curriculum. It helps to pay for art supplies, science equipment, PE gear and teaching resources.

The board have requested the following amounts be paid as a voluntary contribution:

Voluntary Donation Amounts
Family Payment per term per year
One child $60 $240
Two children $108 $432
Three children $162 $648

Please note that the amount requested has remained unchanged since 2013.

  • Our preferred method of payment (for any voluntary donation or elective payment) is by internet banking, using our bank account number 12-3141-0104464-00. Be sure to put your child's name and the nature of the payment on the transaction, for your records and our own.
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