Te Kura o Tawatawa | Ridgway School Strategic Plan

The Board is consulting with its community on its proposed strategic plan. And we want to hear your views on the proposal.

This plan sets out areas of focus over the next three years. The following has been developed based on a series of in-person interviews by the Board with some whānau in our community and responses to an online survey. Both of these sources have provided useful insights to what our whānau and community are wanting to see as focus areas for our kura.

The Board’s proposed strategic goal is: Te Kura o Tawatawa|Ridgway provides a learning and cultural environment to prepare tamariki for their journey ahead. Ki te hoe!

The Board has selected three areas of focus to support the proposed strategic goal, these are to support our kura to continue to thrive. 

Ako | Learning - This focus area is to build a rich education curriculum for our tamariki that includes reading, writing, maths, science and is enhanced by sport, languages, culture and the arts. In doing this we intend to ensure there is barrier free access to learning for all tamariki. Our school seeks to help our tamariki to be successful, recognising their unique selves, their cultures and the whānau environment that wraps around our school by our community.

Tūhononga | Connection - This focus area will provide strong connections and belonging for our tamariki. Now we are settled in our new school building we now want to focus on building friendships, social skills and relationships across and between the different year groups (tuakana/teina). Our kura will create connections to place and continue as an EnviroSchool and focus on sustainability. Our focus will be to support tamariki to work with others who are different and create unity. 

Ahurea tuakiri | Culture - This will focus on valuing the unique identities of all of our tamariki. Emphasis will be on continuing to build understanding and learning of Te Ao Māori, this will include 3  plus hours per week for all tamariki to learn te reo. Supporting the hauora, wellbeing and resilience, of our tamariki will be important to ensure they are able to learn and thrive. 

Te Kura o Tawatawa | Ridgway school is committed to Te Tiriti o Waitangi. 

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