Reporting to Whānau

Tawatawa - Ridgway formally reports to parents about the progress their tamariki have made via a digital portfolio and learning conferences. To keep parents up to date and fully informed about their child's learning we provide regular and frequent written reporting on all aspects of the curriculum (via the digital portfolio) throughout the year.

Digital Portfolio

Every child has a Spotlight digital portfolio which parents access through our @school parent portal or our @school parent app and this is our main way of reporting on progress and achievement. Throughout the year teachers and students add photos of work or links to work completed in a digital format, along with comments that explain how the piece of work shows where the student is at in their learning. We encourage parents to also make comments on their children's posts to acknowledge the effort and progress they are making.

Goal Setting Conferences and Learning Conferences

We will hold Goal Setting Conferences for everyone in Term 1. These are for you to talk to your child's kaitiaki teacher and goals for the year and help them know your child better.  At the end of Term 2 we run Learning Conferences which focuses on your child's learning and help parents to understand how they can support their child's learning at home. Additional conferences can be arranged later in the year by request.

Parent Portal

Parents are encouraged to access the @school Parent Portal or the @school parent app on their phone to view their child's assessment and achievement results. If you have questions about these results contact your child's teacher. If you can't access the portal contact our office staff to get a user name and password.

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