Board Members

Sophie Hazelhurst: Co-chair

My name is Sophie Hazelhurst and I have two children at Tawatawa - Ridgway - Albert and Leo, in Year 4.

I have a background in journalism and communications and in my work life, I am part of a team at Maritime NZ that delivers maritime safety initiatives in the Pacific Islands.

I think Tawatawa - Ridgway is a really special school, with a wonderful community and I am grateful for the opportunity to support the school by joining the board.

Kayvan Bahraini:  Co-chair

I am a working professional in the construction industry. I wanted to put my hand up to say I'm available and would happily contribute my time to support the school if I am required.

Joanna Pohatu 


Tēnā koutou Tawatawa Ridgway whānau.

My name is Joanna Pohatu. I came onto the Board at the last election to support our school to grow and strengthen its commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and to provide a representative voice for Māori and to support our broader community.

My son Tawhiri attends the school, and I love that he’s become passionate about the visibility and use of te reo within the school. I am also pleased that he’s able to experience our new build. My eldest son, Kahurangi previously attended the school.

As part of the previous Board, our mahi over the past three years was busy, we achieved a lot over the past three years. From the great new build through to a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure key decisions are made on time I am proud to have been a part of these successes.

I am also part of the Whānau Hui Group – an awesome group of people (from many cultures) who share similar goals of supporting one another and other whanau within the school (manaakitanga), encouraging the school to increase biculturalism and providing advice and whakaaro (thoughts) to the Principal on the language strategy, increasing te reo in the school and tikanga.

I work full time at Te Manatū Waka (Ministry of Transport) as a Principal Adviser focused on transport and the environment.

I am of Ngāi Tāmanuhuri, Rongowhakaata and Ngāti Kahungungu ki Wairoa descent. I am also on my own te reo learning journey. I am looking forward to supporting our kura to ensure all of our tamariki have opportunities to be their best and to do their best.

Adam Smith

I am a parent of a Year 6 who has done all of his schooling here at Tawatawa - Ridgway. I believe in supporting our community by helping where I can. I was co-opted by the board this year and am keen to continue to assist while I can. I appreciate the multi-cultural environment as well as our brilliant teaching staff.

Helene Malandain

Cameron Hyslop

Julie Llorca

Staff Representative 

Sarah Patterson


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