Responsible ICT Use Agreement 


At Ridgway School we believe in a Digital Citizenship model for supporting safe and responsible use of the internet in teaching and learning.  An important part of this is that we are able to show others what that responsible use looks like while we are using technology in our learning.

We think a good digital citizen is someone who will;

  • keep learning to become a more confident and capable user of ICT

  • use ICT for learning as well as other activities

  • think carefully about whether the information they see online is true

  • communicate respectfully and politely with others online

  • be honest, kind and fair when using ICT

  • respect people’s privacy and freedom of speech online

  • help others to become a better digital citizen

Because we know this is important for us all, we ask everyone, the staff, students and volunteers working at the school to agree to use the internet and other technologies in a safe and responsible way by following the rules laid out in a Responsible Use Agreement like this one.

If someone cannot agree to act responsibly, or the things that they do mean that other people are being harmed, then we might stop them from using the internet or other technology at school.

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Student User Agreement

When using Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) at Ridgway School I will always be a good digital citizen.  

This means that I will...

  1. learn to be a capable and confident user of digital technology.

    • There will be times when I don’t understand or know how to do something or when the technology may not work as I expect it to.  I will ask for help when I need it.  (Resourceful, Resilient)

  2. use ICT for learning as well as other activities.  

    • I understand that technology can help me to learn. I also know it can also be used for entertainment, to talk to people, to buy and sell things and have my opinion heard.  I know when and where it is OK to do each one.  (Responsible)

    • I will seek help if anything makes me unsure or feel uncomfortable. (Resourceful)

  3. think carefully about whether the information I see online is true.  

    • I will check that information is real before I use it.  (Responsible)

  4. communicate respectfully and politely with others

    • I know that I must try to understand what people are saying before I react to them.  (Respectful)

    • If others are unkind or mean to me, I know there are ways I can deal with it, and people I can rely on for help.  (Resilient, Resourceful)

  5. be honest, kind and fair when using ICT

    • I will think about the effect my actions have on others, and always act responsibly to ensure the well-being of others. (Responsible, Respectful)

    • I will make sure what I do is not against the law or breaks the rules of the websites I use. (Responsible)

  6. respect people’s privacy and freedom of speech online

    • I understand that some information is private and will be especially careful when using names, birthdays, addresses and photos.  I won’t post other’s information or images without their permission.  (Respectful)

    • I know that I will not always agree with what others say, but that does not mean I can stop them or be unkind to them. (Respectful, Resilient)

  7. help others to become better digital citizens

    • Being a good digital citizen is something we all have to work on.  If my peers are having problems online, I will try to help them.  

    • If I see that someone is being unfairly treated online then I will speak up to support them.

I am a responsible digital citizen and I agree to follow these rules.

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