Tawatawa News

Friday 1 March

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

Movin’ March

This has started with a hiss and a roar! It was great to see how many people pounded the pavement to get to school this morning!  There were a few sweaty faces on approach and that was the parents!  Nice work everyone!  

PB4L reward - Wheels on Tuesday 

To celebrate all the R cards that have been earned, we are having a Wheels Day on Tuesday.  It would be great if children could bring scooters, bikes, skateboards etc to have fun on the track celebrating their fabulousness! Seniors will be wheeling their way around the track after morning tea and juniors will be spinning around after lunch. 

Volunteers needed!

We are looking for people who can help with some extra reading and literacy activities with some of our children who have English as a second language.  Any morning/s would work. In the past, we have had a lot of local grandparents help out with this but that dastardly fiend COVID put a stop to all that!  If you have the capacity to help out, email Julie (juliel@ridgway.school.nz). We’d love to have you! 

Sausage sizzles this term, no longer every Thursday

Due to athletics day, teacher only day and the year 5 and 6 camp all falling on Thursday’s, we will only be having sausage sizzles for the next two Thursday’s, 7th and 14th March. Make your orders through lunchonline, there is a vegetarian option available.  

Upcoming Events

  • All of March is Movin’ March

  • Pb4L Reward Wheels’ Day 5th March -  Seniors 11:35 - 12:35 Juniors - 1:45 - 2:40

  • Friday 8 March Mid-term hui at 2.15

  • 21 March School Athletics Day

  • 28 March Teacher Only Day

  • 29 March - 2 April - Easter Break (note that Tuesday 2nd April is part of the Easter holiday)

  • 3 - 5 April Year 5 & 6 Camp, Forest Lakes (correct date this time!)

  • 12 April last day of Term 1

  • 29 April first day of Term 2

  • 8 - 9 May Noho Marae (Year 4 - 6, optional for Year 7 & 8)

Sarah Patterson
Acting Principal
Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School

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