Newsletter Tuesday 7 September 2021 - Move to Level 2

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa

School reopens on Thursday 9 September with Delta Level 2 protocols in place. The protocols for Delta Level 2 at school are:

  • All parents and caregivers to wear a mask when they come onto the school grounds and they must not enter the classrooms

  • Children are not required to wear masks, but can if they wish

  • The office is closed, please email or phone

  • Keep children home if they are sick

  • Junior teachers will be outside classrooms in the morning to greet children

  • Children sanitise hands before entering the classroom

  • Please email teachers if you need to speak to them.

The only change to these protocols from what we have had in the past at Level 2 is the use of masks. Other schools are restricting access to the school grounds for parents and caregivers, meaning parents have to drop their children outside the gate. While we are letting parents and caregivers on to the grounds, we are asking that the adults wear masks and practice social distancing.

Swimming lessons

These will start next week and run all the way until the end of the term.

We look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Thursday morning.

Ngā mihi

Sarah Taylor

Deputy Principal

Ridgway School

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