
Friday 26 May

He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
Bonjour à toutes nos familles

School Photos

These take place over two days. Thursday 8th and Friday 9th June.  

Upcoming Year 4 - 6 Noho Marae

Our Year 4 - 6 children have the opportunity to participate in a noho marae each year.  This is at Pipitea Marae on Thorndon Quay. We encourage parents to come along and be a part of this. We will leave school late morning on Tuesday 20 June and bus to the marae.  There is a pōwhiri to welcome us to the marae.  Children eat their packed lunch after this and then during the afternoon they participate in a variety of activities at the marae and practise for an evening performance.  We cook a hangi for dinner which parents and children help to prepare.  

 After dinner, there is a kapa haka performance at 6.30pm and whānau are invited to come to the performance and join us for supper.  The parents who aren’t staying the night then say goodbye to their children and everyone promptly falls into a blissful slumber and no one wakes up until 7am. This last bit isn’t true.  If you know your child may be a bit anxious about staying the night, they can just attend for the day and then head home to sleep. If we have enough parent helpers the next day we will do a walking local histories tour of the area. We head back to school on the bus at 1pm the following day.  

 If your child is in Year 4 - 6 and you haven’t yet completed the form, please help us out by doing this today so we can properly plan and prepare for this event. If you have any questions, feel free to email


As part of the traffic safety meetings that some parents attended last term, one of the actions was to find wet weather gear to encourage children to walk to school all year round.  These have been sourced and are around $15 each.  They fit over your child and their bag so they don’t get wet coming to school.  There will be an order form coming out next week if you would like to order one for your child. 

Pedestrian crossings - let’s use them!

Please tell your children to use the pedestrian crossing rather than running across The Ridgeway to meet a waiting car on the other side of the road. This is crazy dangerous and given that there are people driving through the pedestrian crossing while people are on it as well as speeding past school right now, we are really worried that someone will get hit.  We are making it very clear to the children that they are not allowed to do this and have to use the pedestrian crossing.  Please support them in doing the right (and safe) thing. 

Wellington’s draft Speed Management Plan is now live. Wellingtonians can have their say on the proposed plan until Friday 30 June 2023. People can have a say 

Scholastic Book Club 

Issue 4 opens on Monday 29th May and closes on 15 June for online orders only.

Roadworks on Mornington Road

Work is planned to replace the current footpath on Mornington Road. There are stop/go traffic management in place so delays won’t be too severe, but they will have to remove some parking to allow the traffic to pass. They will minimise this as much as possible, but do have to adhere to health and safety regulations. Parking will be available outside of work hours. This isn’t a huge section so, weather permitting, they are hoping to be finished by Friday 9 June. They won’t be working on the weekend or public holiday.

Upcoming Events

26 May - Mid term assembly 2.15pm

5 June - King’s Birthday Public Holiday

8 and 9 June - School Photos

9 June - Year 7 & 8 Immunisations

20-21 June - Noho Marae Year 4 - 6 at Pipitea 

27 June - Market Day

28 - 30 June - Scholastic Book Fair

29 June - Last day of term and end of term assembly at 9.15

30 June - Teacher Only Day, Learning Conferences all day

20 July 5.30 - 7.30pm - Matariki Celebration at school


Ngā mihi,

Sarah Patterson

Deputy Principal

Te Kura o Tawatawa - Ridgway School


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